JavaBurn, and all of its related websites (JavaBurn), Privacy Policy. PLEASE NOTE THAT OUR POLICY ON PRIVACY CHANGES FROM TIME TO TIME. CHANGES TAKE EFFECT UPON POSTING. Please check back frequently for updates as it is your sole responsibility to be aware of changes. JavaBurn DOES not provide notices of changes in any other way than by posting the changes on this website.
If you do not agree with the terms of this privacy policy, please DO NOT provide any information to JavaBurn or use any of the services or products offered or provided on any of these websites referred to in this privacy policy.
JavaBurn's information collection practices, its use, and its dissemination This policy covers JavaBurn's collection, its use, its storage, and its disclosure of information on (a) its websites (including all of its divisions and subsidiaries, collectively the "Websites") (b) various third-party websites (c) and JavaBurn's other data collection activities, such as the purchase of third-party customer lists. JavaBurn does not take responsibility for the privacy or information-gathering practices of other websites or apps.
Survey Information
JavaBurn may collect information about individuals in a variety of ways, including but not limited, by completing a JavaBurn online survey, an order form or a registration page, as well as by using online or off-line surveys, order forms or registration pages that are operated by third parties. As used in this document, "online" refers to using the Internet and related technologies. "Offline" is any other method than online. This includes using telephones or cell phones, the postal service, or other similar methods. JavaBurn, or a Third Party (a "Third Party"), may ask individuals to submit various information in the Surveys. This may include their name, email, street address, and zip code, as well as their gender, age, marital status and education, occupation, Social Security number, and other relevant information. JavaBurn can also obtain information about an individual from a third party and combine it with the information from this website. JavaBurn and Third Party are not required to collect Survey Information from individuals who complete the Surveys. However, they may offer incentives to those who do so.
1.2 Additional Information
JavaBurn may also obtain information about individuals when they (1) make a claim or redeem a prize offered by JavaBurn, or a third party, (2) request assistance from JavaBurn's customer support department, or (3) subscribe to JavaBurn services or newsletters (collectively, "Other Data").
1.3 Cookies and other information collected using technology.
JavaBurn uses web beacons and cookies to link certain internet-related information with the information in our database. JavaBurn will also use new sources of technology information shortly.
(a) Cookies.
A cookie is an amount of data that is stored on the computer's hard drive that allows JavaBurn to identify the user with the data that is in JavaBurn's database. You may read more about cookies at Users of websites must accept cookies to take advantage of all the website's features and functions.
Web Beacons (b)
Web beacons are a type of programming code that can be used for displaying an image on a website (using a programming function - see for more information), or to transfer the unique user identification of an individual (often as a cookie) into a database, and to associate that individual with information previously collected about them in a database. JavaBurn can then track which websites an individual has visited online. Web beacons can be used to identify products or services that an individual might be interested in and track online behavior for marketing purposes. JavaBurn, for example, might install a web beacon on a website of a third-party seller where fishing products are available. JavaBurn is notified by the web beacon when Bill, a person listed in JavaBurn's database, goes to the fishing website. JavaBurn then updates Bill's profile so that it shows that Bill has an interest in fishing. JavaBurn can then present Bill with offers for fishing-related products and services. JavaBurn uses web beacons not only on web pages but also in emails sent to individuals in JavaBurn's database.
New Technology (c)
JavaBurn's use and adoption of new technology, such as cookies and web beacons is also rapidly evolving. JavaBurn encourages users to review this policy periodically for updates on its technology use.
1.4 Outside Information.
JavaBurn can receive information about an individual from third parties, including public databases.
1.5 Information about Individuals
Individual Information is defined as Survey Information, Third Party List Information, Technology Information, Outside Information, and other information that JavaBurn collects or receives.
No Information is Collected From Children.
JavaBurn never will knowingly collect personal information on children under 13. JavaBurn will immediately delete any personal information collected by it about children under 13 years old if they become aware of the fact. JavaBurn does not have any such information because it doesn't collect them. JavaBurn designed this policy to comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
Credit Card Information
JavaBurn will in some cases collect the credit card number and other information such as expiration dates ("Credit Card Information") from an individual when they place an order with JavaBurn. JavaBurn will encrypt and protect the Credit Card Information with SSL encryption software when it is sent to them. JavaBurn uses the Credit Card Information to process and complete the purchase. The Credit Card Information is only disclosed to third parties as needed to complete the transaction.
2. Use of Individual Information
2.1 Use of Information at Your Discretion.
The COMPANY may use Individual Information for any legally permissible purpose at its sole discretion. JavaBurn can change its current use of Individual Information at any time. JavaBurn, as noted below may update its policy at any time. JavaBurn can use Individual Information for promotional offers by way of email marketing, telephone marketing, and direct mail marketing.
2.2 Email.
JavaBurn may use Individual Information to send promotional emails to individuals. JavaBurn can maintain different email lists for various purposes. To unsubscribe, email recipients must follow the instructions provided at the bottom of each message.
Content of Email Messages (2.2(a).
JavaBurn sends commercial emails that include the name of an advertiser in the "From" line. However, hitting the "Reply button" will result in a reply being sent to JavaBurn. In the "Subject" line, JavaBurn emails will often contain a message from an advertiser.
2.2(b) Solicited Email.
JavaBurn will only send emails to those who have consented to it on their websites or third-party websites. JavaBurn never sends unsolicited emails. JavaBurn's emails do not comply with the laws requiring specific formatting of unsolicited messages.
Targeted advertising.
JavaBurn targets advertising to individuals using Individual Information. JavaBurn associates an individual's Individual Information with Technology Information (see Section 2.5 below), and JavaBurn tries to show advertisements for products and services that the individual has indicated an interest in through Technology Information or expressed in Surveys. JavaBurn can, at its discretion, use email, direct mailing, telephones, and cell phones to target advertising.
Direct Mailing and Telemarketing
JavaBurn utilizes Individual Information for direct or indirect advertising to individuals via direct mail or telemarketing, using phones and cell phones.
Information Technology: Use and Information
JavaBurn uses Technology Information in three ways: (1) to match Survey Information and Third Party List Information with other categories of Individual Information, (2) to track an individual's Internet browsing habits, and (3) to determine the most popular areas of JavaBurn's website. This information allows JavaBurn to better understand the online habits and preferences of individuals, so it can tailor advertising and promotions for them.
2.6 Individual Profiles
JavaBurn can use Individual Information to create a profile for an individual. Combining Survey Information, Third Party List Information, and other sources of Individual Information like information from public databases can create a profile.
2.7 Individual Information Storage
JavaBurn saves the Individual Information on JavaBurn computers in a database. JavaBurn's computers are equipped with security measures, such as a firewall, to prevent the loss, misuse, and alteration of information. JavaBurn does not guarantee that the security measures it has in place will stop illegal access to JavaBurn computers, or prevent Individual Information from being stolen or changed.
3.1 Transfer or Sale to Third Parties
JavaBurn may sell or transfer individual information to third parties for any purpose at JavaBurn's sole discretion. Please send us an email if you don't want us to use your personal information to promote our products or services, or to sell, or transfer, or otherwise provide, personal information to third parties.
3.2 Order Fulfillment.
JavaBurn may transfer Individual Information to a third party when it is necessary to deliver a product or services that a customer orders through JavaBurn websites or in response to JavaBurn offers.
3.3 Legal Process
JavaBurn can disclose Individual Information in response to subpoenas and court orders.
3.4 Summary Data
JavaBurn can sell or transfer aggregated or anonymous information that does not identify any individual, such as information about subgroups or all individuals.
3.5 Access.
Individuals can access their collected Individual Information to make corrections, amendments, or deletions. Contact customer service by calling the number listed on the order page. JavaBurn can also give advertising clients or email service providers access to the email address of an individual to verify where the Individual Information was collected.
Advertiser cookies, web beacons, and other technologies.
Advertisers (advertising agencies, advertising networks, and other companies) who place ads on Websites or the Internet in general may use their technology, such as web beacons and cookies, to collect data about individuals. JavaBurn is not responsible for how Advertisers use such technology.
4.2 Links.
Sometimes, the Websites or email messages contain hypertext links that lead to third-party websites. JavaBurn does not take responsibility for the privacy policies or content of these other websites. Links to third-party websites may be found on linked websites. These links are only provided as a convenience. JavaBurn is not responsible for any of the information, software, services, or products available on these third-party websites. The inclusion of a hyperlink to a website does not imply endorsement of its services, site contents, or sponsoring organization.
Affiliated companies
JavaBurn reserves the right to disclose, transfer, and sell Individual Information at its discretion to entities associated with JavaBurn.
5. Unsubscribe from the procedure.
Click on the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email to stop receiving messages from JavaBurn.
JavaBurn reserves the right to add Individual Information on multiple lists.
You can find more information on protecting your privacy at: If you have any questions, feel free to call us using the number listed on the order page.
All Rights Reserved * These statements were not reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. This site and its products are not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.